Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Powerful Video That Will Make You Cry!

While listening to my favorite songs on my YouTube channel, I came across this video.  It was one those commercials that plays between your playlist songs.  I typically would "skip" these as I prefer to listen to my playlist without any interruptions. 
Photo Credit: AIACommunity
However, the first few minutes captured my curiosity as it was done in Korean (fortunately with English subtitles). As I continue watching, tears just came down uncontrollably as it touched my emotions (make sure a box of kleenex is nearby)  It provided several powerful messages that reminded me about love, family, support, and encouragement  

Source: AIACommunity

I believe the creator (AIACommunity -> AIA Life) is a wealth/insurance company.  The nice thing about the video is there was no product pitch.  Kudos to the +AIAcommunity or AIA for creating a wonderful video or should I say a wonderful "marketing" video.